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Tiffany Watkins

Seven Tips on How to Date the Godly Way

How does God desire us to conduct ourselves when it comes to dating? If you desire to know if a person is for you or not, you will have to date the individual to assess compatibility. People have asked me at different times regarding the best dating tips for single Christians. This is especially important if you desire to please the Lord.

So, is it possible to date in a Godly way? Yes, it’s possible to date in a Christian, Godly way.

As a single person, there a several things to keep in mind when it comes to dating. While no dating rule is set in stone, here are seven tips on how to keep God in your relationship before marriage:

1. Center your relationship around Christ

When Jesus is the foundation of your relationship, your love will stand the test of time. Keep pointing each other towards Christ. Pray together. Study the Scripture together. Hebrews 10:24 says you should “…spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

2. Lead with honesty

Honesty is not just about avoiding lies or cheating. You must be willing to be yourself. Do not portray to be someone you are not. As the relationship grows closer and there is a clear sign the two of you plan to be engaged then you should be willing to open up about your weaknesses and insecurities to your partner. Do not be afraid to share your fears, failures, hopes, and dreams with your partner.

3. Create “me” times

No matter how much you enjoy each other’s company, it’s healthy to spend quality time away from each other. By having some time apart, you can enjoy one another more when you’re together.

Also, don’t forget about self-care just because you’re in a relationship. A healthy relationship thrives when both parties aren’t drained physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

4. Learn from mentors

Proverbs 13:20 talks about walking with “wise men” to be wise.

Don’t just learn from your own mistakes. Learn from the experiences of others as well. Seek out people who have wisdom and experience when it comes to dating in a Godly way. Doing so will protect your relationship from sin and heartbreak.

5. Never jump to conclusions

Communication is the soul of every relationship. Always think the best of your partner and give them the benefit of the doubt. Yes, it’s a tough one, but it’s possible. In 1 Corinthians 13:7, we learn that “Love never gives up” and “endures through every circumstance.”

6. Be gracious to each other

You and your partner are not perfect. He or she won’t always understand how you’re thinking or feeling. However, when you love deeply, it’s easy to forgive and put yourself in each other’s shoes. When both parties are always willing to talk things out, there is going to be light at the end of the tunnel.

7. Avoid premarital sex

Finally, yet importantly, it is the big one: sex. We all know that we shouldn’t have sex before marriage. It’s a sin. But no one tells us how to go about this. The truth is, you cannot avoid sexual temptation in a romantic relationship. However, to sustain a Godly relationship, you have to create a plan. This starts with setting actions that glorify God and shield your relationship from premarital sex. You and your partner have to be on the same page for this to work.

Containing your sexual urges and saying “no” are not enough. You have to set boundaries. Both physical and conversational. It doesn’t matter whether you’re both avoid snuggling or lying down on the same couch, abstinence is still founded on self-control. Communicate with your partner and avoid sexually charged media.

In Conclusion,

Dating in a Godly way starts when you put God first. Don’t allow your love life to isolate you from other Christians in your life. Fight the need to date in a corner. This is how the Enemy strikes.

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